15 reasons why introverts make the best and everlasting friends
There is a misconception that introverts are shy and boring which is not entirely true. Introverts make the best of friends, they can provide you with the comfort and friendship needs that extroverted people can’t provide. Introverts are serious-minding people and are good observers which makes them great to make friends with.
Here are 15 reasons why introverted people make the best of friends.
1. They are very good listeners
2. Introverts are loyal
3. They are understanding
4. They trust and are trustworthy
5. They offer great advice
6. Always have time for you
7. An introvert friend knows you more than you think
8. You don’t have to think too much about what to do for fun
9. They don’t waste time with small talks or gossips
10. You feel Safe all the time
11. They prefer one-on-one relationships
12. They can make you feel very special
13. Introvert Friend will always tell you the truth
14. They don’t take the spotlight from you
15. Introverts don’t Judge
You can chat with Introverts at Wander app